Marin County, adapting tO Wildfires

Fire Safe Marin is deeply committed to reducing wildfire risks and enhancing the safety of their local communities. The comprehensive approach spans 13 key program areas, including standout initiatives such as the annual Ember Stomp Wildfire Prevention Festival, which fosters community engagement and awareness.

During peak wildfire season, they produce Wildfire Watch TV specials to address residents’ concerns and provide timely updates.

Through community education, outreach, and strategic partnerships, Fire Safe Marin empower residents to prepare their families, homes, and properties for potential fire threats. By cultivating a culture of preparedness and teamwork, they strives to mitigate the impact of wildfires and safeguard lives, homes, and properties.

MWF offers the best fire-proof and fire-resistant fence material. Contact us today.


Resource: Track California Wildfires


IBHS Wildfire Prepared Home Program: The Road to Implementation